Personal Statement For Application To PGCE In Teaching

Personal Statement

PGCE stands for Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and it is among the most popular teaching courses. The objective of this course is to train and enhance the teaching capabilities of the students. Currently, this course is offered in England, Wales, and Northern Island.

Why Enrol in a PGCE Course?
Although a Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) training course suffices to score a teaching job in England, a PGCE will enable you to expand your knowledge on a larger spectrum. Furthermore, the PGCE teaching course will enable you to adopt the flexibility to teach globally.

What are the Different Types of PGCE?
There are three different types of PGCE that are discussed below:

1. Primary:
This prepares an individual to teach the children up to the age group of eleven. This is the most popular class since the demand for such teachers is high. This course focuses on the curriculum syllabus; however, you may specialize in certain courses.

2. Secondary:
This branch of PGCE focuses on particular subjects’ specialization and allows an individual to teach the students aged eleven to sixteen.

3. Advanced/Adult Education:
If you want to teach at a college level, then this type of PGCE is for you. Simply, enroll yourself in this course and get a chance to conduct classes at a higher level.

It is to be noted that all the mentioned types require the enroled aspirants to serve for a minimum period of four weeks in schools or allocated key stages.

What Type of PGCE is Suitable for You?
Only you can answer this question; however, other people can only assist you in reaching a conclusion. The following sources can help you find your calling:

Attend Open Days And Fairs:
You can visit numerous universities on their open days and meet the representatives. Inquire them about the prospects of the PGCE course at the particular institute. To make the most of this option, educate yourself about the open days and events of different universities.

Talk To Current Students:
In order to learn about the course content and workload, the current students can present a clear picture for you to ponder over the available options.

Consult a Career’s Service:
The advisers can help you with your options and assist you in narrowing down the course choice for you. Furthermore, they can assist you with your application formulation.

Take Feedback from the Alumni:
You can ask the alumni about the journey they had at a particular institution. Inquire them about their experience and ask them to educate you about the advantages or disadvantages associated with the PGCE course offered by the said institution.

What Should You Ask From Concerned Personnel?
When meeting the relevant personnel, you should ask the following questions so as to shortlist your option:

  • What is the cost of the course?
  • Do you get any school experience? How much is it?
  • Are there grants or student loans available?
  • Is the employment record after completing a PGCE course positive?
  • What are the institution’s credibility and does the department possess a good reputation?
  • How many lectures and tutorials are required to be taken weekly?

How to Apply for the PGCE?
In order to apply for the PGCE course, you are required to fill in an application form. To adequately perform the said task you should:

  • Read about the details that should be included in the application.
  • Go through authentic personal statement examples to devise a plan to fabricate your statement.
  • Think about the references that should be included in your application.

What is a Personal Statement?
Apart from the personal statement, the elements mentioned above are well-known. A personal statement is a document bearing explanation why you want to become a teacher and what makes you the best fit for the job. As the application briefly provides a snapshot of your qualifications, work exposure, and skills, the personal teaching statement is what brings your personality into the limelight.

It is vital that you invest ample time to formulate your personal statement and craft multiple drafts before shipping the final document. Ensure that your document touches the below-mentioned dimensions:

  • Infuse glimpses from your past teaching experiences.
  • Fabricate the personal statement as per the school or age group you are applying for.
  • Make use of crisp English, and your sentences should be formulated in a coherent tone to deliver the message across the board.
  • Be yourself and don’t try to present yourself as something you are not.
  • Don’t be cliché to include statements like “I always wanted to be a teacher.”
  • Reflect your passion via your personal statement writing.

How to Write Personal Statement for the Different Types of PGCE?
Although all the elements mentioned above are to be included in the personal statement, there are certain specifications to be infused in different types of PGCEs:

Requirements of Personal statement for Primary PGCE:
In this type of PGCE personal statement document, you should describe your adaptability trait and demonstrate the set of skills which can be useful for the primary schools’ extracurricular activities. For instance, you can include your expertise in conducting stage dramas which can help the particular school with their plays.

Requirements of Personal statement for Secondary PGCE:
A good PGCE secondary personal statement is considered to be the one which discusses the set of challenges involved in teaching the teenager age group and further presents glimpses of the past experience, where the candidate coped with such problems. Since the secondary role of teaching is more inclined towards a particular subject, the trainers are interested in gauging your prerequisite knowledge regarding the said subject. Therefore, make sure that you showcase a good chunk of academic knowledge in your personal statement.

Requirements of Personal statement for Adult Education PGCE:
In this type of PGCE personal statement, you should incorporate all of the said details that make you an ideal candidate for the course. However, make sure to convey this information in a modest way without including statements such as. “I am the best.”

What is the Illustrative Sketch to Compose a PGCE Personal Statement?
A personal statement is all about presenting yourself in a robust tone on a piece of paper. Therefore, you should depict yourself as the ideal candidate by including the following information:

Demonstrate Your Passion for Teaching:
You should craft your personal statement in a way that presents a vibe of you being accustomed to the challenges of teaching ahead. Furthermore, you should talk about the endured past experiences and discuss your set of achievements plus shortcomings. Also, talk about the latest use of technology and your proficiency in this sector.

Provide a Logical Reason of Your Interest in a Particular PGCE Level:
It is liable that the trainers will be interested to know the ignition fuel to your passion of getting an enrolment in a PGCE course. Thus, you should convey them an example from your work exposure and elaborate the impact it had on you at a personal level.

Highlight Your Strengths:
In this competitive era, it is vital to present all of your strengths so that you gain an edge over other candidates. In this connection, you can include the relevance of your degree for the position or convey your set of knowledge required for the particular post. Also, you can include a volunteering experience involving children such as your services at a summer camp or coaching a sports team, etc. However, ensure that you jot connections of the outcome of these extracurricular activities to your refined teaching skills.

Include Your Positive Attributes:
The positive attributes add a star to the personal statement document, and one should include examples of events that highlight the creativity, managerial ability, practical experience, team playing attribute, resilience, and time management skills. To add a foundation to these claims, you should back the mentioned skills with the authentic example that helped you develop such traits.

Be Original, Don’t Copy:
Since the trainers are experienced personnel, they can tell an original personal statement apart from the fabricated one. Therefore, you should not copy the prevalent personal statements on the web and rather fabricate your own statement or hire a reliable custom writing service to perform the said task.

When Do the Applications for the PGCE Open?
The applications are currently open, and you can apply until 20th September 2019. However, the trainers stop receiving applications if they amass enough quality candidates. The application submission mechanism may be restored amidst year, but it is recommended not to take any chances and apply as soon as possible.

Remember, only you can make a difference in your life by making the right choice at the right time. Thus, don’t hesitate to discover this avenue if you want a promising future in the teaching sector. Trust your instincts, believe in your unique talent, and float your application with an impeccable personal statement document. Therefore, apply the crux of the information conveyed in your personal statement to claim your place in the PGCE course 2019.

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