How To Set Up Chapter 2 In Your Dissertation: The Review Of Literature In 5 Easy Steps

Dissertation writing is no cakewalk since it requires you to invest the utmost best form of effort every day to produce an impeccable piece of writing. Not many people can bear this pressure so they opt for the dissertation help instead.

The most anticipated detailed part of dissertation writing is the literature review section. This part consumes most of the time plus it needs effective thinking to fabricate words and craft sentences to showcase relevant references. Hence, you should keep your mind attentive to devise a plan and focus on the objectives of the said plan.

Review Of Literature

To help you with the process of writing the literature review, use the following five easy steps:

Research Your Topic: You should research the basic definitions, major concepts, and background context of your topic subject. For this purpose, you can visit a library, visit e-sources or consult an expert. You should convey to your audience the reason for choosing this particular topic and the previous research studies conducted in this sector. Therefore, increase your radar of search and look for the accurate evidence.

Look for Answers: Once you have started your research, you may find yourself tangled at certain points, don’t worry withal. Instead, ask yourself questions like:

  • What are the claims and conclusions for the case study at hand?
  • What are the basic definitions of this topic that should be known by your audience?
  • Are there any gaps identified by you in past research studies?
  • Any facts that refuted the general anticipated reaction?

Deduce answers to these questions and to proceed further to the next step.

Jot Connections: You may have found certain facts and figures that can make your argument strong plus provide a concrete foundation for your dissertation case study. All you need to do is sort the identical information together to plan your course of writing. To achieve this objective, you should print all relevant material and place the identical themed matter together.

Structure Your Write-up: You may have developed your initial write-up by now, therefore give it a read to locate loosely placed evidence or filler words. Paraphrase your sentences to make them easily readable and understandable for your audience. Create a pattern that displays your information inflow so that none of the facts seems out of place.

Proofread: The most essential part of your literature review fabrication is proofreading. You should not overlook the importance of this step since this can potentially impair your scorecard if your professor locates any mistake. You should ensure:

  • There are no grammatical mistakes.
  • There are no typos.
  • All sentences are well-structured
  • Proper citation styles are used.

Your literature review should speak volumes about the research and effort that went into writing this section. Therefore, you should know what to look for and how to find it. In short, your literature review section should sum up all the major dimensions associated with the topic subject in a concise and precise manner.

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